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Who am I?


A little bit about me....

I have been holding space for folk through various life thresholds for over 20 years. I started out as a teacher and counsellor, working with teenagers. I went on to specialise in supporting women into motherhood, and then through menopause.

I live near Stone with my husband, two teenage boys and two dogs.

Each day I wake up and ask 'How may I serve?' and try to live my life in accordance with that call.


I have always had a sense for the holy in beginnings and endings. My initiation into unexpectedly holding space for death came aged 21 when my dad died and I was alone with him as he passed. Without knowing what to do, or how to behave, I knew - there was something holding me, and I was gifted the most extraordinary knowing that only love exists.  A few years later my nan died and the same sense of awe and acceptance rose in me - death was nothing to fear. Greater than the biggest of fears, lies the vast ocean of love.

I journeyed alongside my brother 10 years ago as he went through treatment for cancer. As I shared the eulogy at his funeral I felt the call to be of service to the dying.  

Tending to these thresholds has become part of the fabric of my life's work. I feel no fear for these spaces of our worldly transitions and yet understand the enormity of endings and how hard it is to let go, embrace change and dwell in that heart-full longing space of love and loss. 

I have supported people through end of life, and held space for their beloveds to grieve.

I am a celebrant and often get called to hold ceremony to honour life and death.

As a space holder, I hold private practice from my garden cabin - both 1-1 for bereavement support and Grief Circles to share with others. 


Although I dwell in the underbelly of life and death, I see so much love and joy and feel honoured to serve in this way. 

Susanna xx


Warm Words

"I can't thank you enough for your love and support, love and compassion. You are amazing. The ceremony came together perfectly and was exactly how I imagined it would be. You brought it together and held us in all the moments, making Linz centre of our thoughts and hearts "Machita

"You feel like part of the family. I don't know how we would have coped without you. Thank you for your hugely compassionate heart" Jo

"I feel like I can breathe again. I had no idea that my grief was so heavy, it's like a weight's been lifted. I can't find the words to express how grateful I am for your holding. HeartSpace is like a warm, cosy nest of goodness." Anna

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